
react-fluent-form comes with a build in validation approach that also enables customization.

Basic Usage

In this example validation will be added for a username and password field.

Adding validation to config

Using withValidation either a yup.Schema or a validate function can be provided for each field. Providing a yup.Schema will result in a string[] error type. In contrast to that you can return any type of data when using validate function's:

username: yup.string().required(),
password: value => {
if (value.length < 8) {
// return *any* custom error here (e.g. also complex objects or numbers)
return "Password is too short";

Validation properties

touched, validity and errors are properties which are mostly relevant for validation. They are similarirly structured to values and fields:

const { touched, validity, errors } = useFluentForm(formConfig);
  • touched: stores information about touched state of each field. A field is touched once it had focus and then lost it, so from a technical perspective if the onBlur event of an input field was triggert.
    • example: {username: true, password: undefined}
    • possible values: true, false or undefined (undefined means it was not touched yet)
  • validity: stores information about validation state of each field.
    • example: {username: false, password: undefined} (undefined means it was not validated yet).
    • possible values: true, false or undefined (undefined means it was not validated yet)
  • errors: contains the current errors of each field. In case of an error the evaluation of yup schemes will result in a string[] type.
    • example: {username: ["username is a required field"], password: undefined }
    • possible values: any custom type or undefined (undefined means the field was not validated yet or that it's valid).

Displaying errors

In order to properly display error messages (and maybe also success messages) properties touched, validity and errors can be used. To handle validation failures on submission a callback can be provided as second argument of handleSubmit:

function RegistrationForm() {
const {
} = useFluentForm(formConfig);
const handleSubmitSuccess = () => console.log(values);
const handleSubmitFailure = () => console.log(errors);
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleSubmitSuccess, handleSubmitFailure)}>
<input {...fields.username} />
{touched.username && !validity.username && (
<input {...fields.password} />
{/* validity.password stays undefined until the submission (validateOnSubmitOnly) */}
{touched.password && validity.password === false && <div>{errors.password[0]}</div>}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

If default validation triggers are used, it's enough to only check the errors object:

function RegistrationForm() {
// ...
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleSubmitSuccess, handleSubmitFailure)}>
<input {...fields.username} />
{errors.username && <div>{errors.username[0]}</div>}
<input {...fields.password} />
{errors.password && <div>{errors.password[0]}</div>}
<button type="submit">Submit</button>

Validation context

In some cases it's required to work with values outside of your form. This is where validation context comes into place.

Initial context

Context always need to be an object:

x: 1,
y: 2

Setting context dynamically

If you want to update your context as soon as your context values have changed, you can take advandage of useEffect:

const { setContext } = useFluentForm(formConfing);
useEffect(() => {
setContext({ ...coordinates });
}, [coordinates]);

Triggering validation

You can trigger validation of all fields on context changes:


Accessing context

username: yup.string().when("$x", {
is: 0,
then: yup.string().required()
password: (value, values, context) => {
if (context.x < context.y) return "error";

Conditional validation

Often it's necessary to adapt validations for a field based on the values of other fields in your form (and also the context). This can be done via yup.Schema's or via validate function's.
It's very important to note that validate function's can also return yup.Schema's conditionally. The returned yup.Schema will not be treated as an error type, it will be evaluated, thus the error type will be string[].


When using yup.Schema's other form fields need to be accessed with a leading $ (here $lastName) which usually means the value is comming from the context. In fact other form values are passed as context to the yup.Schema instances for each field during validation execution.
If a context property is named equal to a field property, the field property will be overriden in yup.Schemas context!

username: yup.string().required(),
firstName: yup.string().when("$lastName", {
is: "",
otherwise: yup.string().required()
lastName: yup.string(),
password: (value, values) => {
if (value.includes(values.username)) {
return "Password should not contain username";
} else {
// the error type will be string[] here
return yup
.matches(/[a-zA-Z]/, "Password can only contain letters.");